Past Projects & Events
Trout Unlimited Rabun Chapter Presents
The Rabun Rendezvous
. 2019 .
New & Improved!
Saturday, 19 January 2019
Dillard House Conference Center
$35 Adults, $25 age 15 and younger
Click here for the New and Improved Rendezvous Flyer 2019
Tailwater Chapter Rock Creek Camp Out. September 21, 22 & 23. If you are interested in going please contact Dave Whitlow and let him know so we can get a head count. Daves e-mail is . More information will be provided shortly. This is a primitive campout as there are no facilities. The National Hatchery at Rock Creek is nearby. Plenty of chances to catch some trout!
Lovinggood creek workday Saturday July 14th, 2018.
We have the Lovinggood creek workday coming up Saturday July 14th. Gold Rush TU is the lead chapter responsible for this project. Both the Chattahoochee Nantahala Chapter and the Tailwater chapter are support chapters. Golrush chapter will be providing lunch!This is an ongoing project that is really beneficial to the further recovery and improvement of the creek structures and banks! As a supporting chapter we need to make a good showing. The workday begins at 9:00AM. And will finish at noon. Bring your fishing gear! There are a bunch of great native streams nearby along with Lovvingood Creek! To register, so they have a head count, use this link!
For directions visit.
The annual 2018 Sweep the Hooch was a rousing success thanks in part to our Tailwater TU participants ( and everyone else that participated!)! Angelo, Evan, Jim and Bill led the troup and did a great job making the Chattahoochee River a better cleaner place! Thanks guys!
Saturday’s August 26th, 2018 TU stream project with Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts on upper Cooper Creek was a rousing success. Tailwater, Gold Rush and Blue Ridge Mountain chapters of Georgia Trout Unlimited joined in to lend the Scouts a hand. NGTO provided the lunch. We helped restore some structures that are better than 25 years old.
A lot of work accomplished and the shocking results were very cool and instructive! Even a hellbender in the mix! Thanks for all who participated and helped with the set up and instruction. A job well done!
Lovinggood Creek Workday Saturday July 22, 2017!
Volunteers needed! Contact Sandy Reinauer <>
Lovingood Creek is a high quality brook trout stream in the Noontootla River drainage. We will be continuing a project started 3 years ago to enhance brook trout habitat. We will be installing log stream structures in the creek to create additional pool habitat and overhead cover. Logs will be strategically placed in the stream and anchored in place to increase stream depth and complexity. We will meet at the junction of FS 42 and FS 58A at 0900 and drive into the work site. We plan to finish up by 12-12:30.
7th Annual Sweep the Hooch
1 day, Hundreds of Volunteers and TONS OF TRASH covering over 70 miles of the Chattahoochee River
Saturday, April 8, 2017
Registration opens February 14th!
Sweep the Hooch is an annual day of service to the Chattahoochee River mobilizing volunteers on foot, in waders, or paddlers to remove trash at sites throughout the watershed. Sweep the Hooch brings people together to give back to the mighty river that gives us so much.
Cooper Creek Stream Project – August 20, 2016
Here are the details on the upcoming project on Cooper Creek. We will plan to meet on site at 9AM (directions are below) and do some much needed maintenance work on a number of existing stream structures. This will primarily involve the refilling the log cribs with rock and removing branches and other debris that are impacting the structures. We won’t be doing any placement of new logs for this workday so it should be a relatively easy morning. Jim Wentworth, wildlife biologist with the Forest Service, will bring a fish shocker and do a sampling demonstration at the end (11:30) so the scouts can see some of the fish species in Cooper Creek and learn how we sample streams. We will wrap up around 12-12:30 for lunch.
We will meet at a large roadside pull-off on Cooper Creek Road (FS 33). To reach the site, turn on Cooper Creek Road across from the entrance to Lake Winfield Scott on GA Highway 180 and go 5.5 miles to the meeting site. It is approximately ½ mile past a large camping area along the creek.
Please RSVP to Bill Egeland if you plan on attending!
Tailwater TU
Casting For Confidence on October 10th, at Frog Hollow in Dahlonega, GA.
Dear Trout Unlimited Friends,
Allow me to introduce myself, I am Carolyn Emery, President of Georgia Women Fly Fishers, and the Casting For Confidence Coordinator for this year’s event to be held on October 10th, at Frog Hollow in Dahlonega, GA. .
I have attached a copy of our Informational Paper to outline the goals and why fly fishing is therapeutic to breast cancer survivors. Additionally, I have attached the complete application for our event, should you encounter someone who might want to apply for and attend our event. Any amount of publicity, to include being mentioned in your monthly newsletters, would be greatly appreciated in spreading the word about our event all over the state of Georgia. Thank you for your time and consideration of our request. Please don’t hesitate to contact me should your desire or require any further additional information. I will be glad to answer any and all of your questions.
Sincerely Yours,
Carolyn Emery
GWFF – President
Casting For Confidence Coordinator